pulseCHECKER Reporting Features

pulseCHECKER Knowledge Base

pulseCHECKER Reporting features

As a pulseCHECKER customer, you will receive ongoing 7-day and 30-day reports via email to the specified email addresses on your account. These are specific links that will take you to specific dashboard pages for those time frames. You must be logged into pulseCHECKER in order to see specific dashboard data.

If you log into pulseCHECKER without a reporting link, you will be redirected to your pulseCHECKER overview dashboard. You can click into any individual sensor from here and choose reporting timeframes from there. 

Individual Sensor Reports

When you click into a specific sensor, it will take you to a new dashboard that contains data for that one specific sensor. Each sensor report has a date/time window for reporting, as well as the option to export to a spreadsheet.

  • History: time-stamped logs of when the sensor pinged and the results

  • Notifications: time-stamped logs of when a point of contact was notified of an issue, along with high-level issue details

  • Chart: visual representation of the data logged to your sensors

  • Settings: important logistics information about your sensor

    1. Settings: actual settings updates and permanent sensor links 

    2. Resources: each sensor has attached manufacturing documentation

      1. Datasheet: product description and dimensions information

      2. Device Image: what the sensor looks like visually

      3. User Manual: PDF link to device user manual

      4. Activation Video: how to install this sensor in video form

  • Summary: high-level overview of sensor activity

pulseCHECKER reports are always live and by default contain data from the most 24-hour period. You can capture specific moments in time with the DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, QUARTERLY, 6 MONTHS, 12 MONTHS, or CUSTOM date features on the left side underneath the sensor name and settings bar.

Have Questions? Need Help?

Contact pulseCHECKER Support by:

  1. Opening a Support Ticket

  2. Contacting your pulseCHECKER representative

  3. Scheduling a 1:1 with CEO and Founder Steve Cannon

Or, check out our Knowledge Base for user guide and installation information.